Saturday, August 11, 2012

An Introduction to Reclusion

FanFiction.Net Properties
Category: Inception
Rating: T
Language: English
Characters: Arthur, Ariadne, Eames and OC (Lacey Kendall)
Genre: Romance/Adventure
Summary: Arthur adds another member to his, Ariadne, and Eames' team. The new addition can suppress people's subconscious, but it's her former relationship with Eames that's part of the mystery, as well as her ties to Cobol Engineering. Arthur/Ariadne, Eames/OC.

Reclusion was my attempt to direct my obsession with "Inception" into a more creative channel than downloading movie posters and wallpapers, and counting down the days until the DVD was released. It was published on FanFiction.Net on September 7, 2010, after I stayed up the whole night writing chapter one and part of chapter two. It's canon according to the movie but includes an OC (original character).

Reclusion takes place about two years after the end of the movie. A year after the Fischer job, Ariadne's graduated from college and working at a boring architecture firm. She rejoins Arthur and Eames, and they become the foremost extraction team in the business.

Their latest job lands them to Alaska, where the Mark has extensive training. Arthur says the only way they can do it is if they have a Filter, someone who can suppress the Mark's subconscious long enough for them to complete the job without his projections attacking them. The Filter he has in mind had worked with him, Eames, and Cobb after Mal's death.

However, the Filter has a mysterious past that even Arthur can't seem to unravel. Everything is screaming at Ariadne not to trust her, though she can't help but like the girl. And as for Eames, his feelings are a little more than complicated when it comes to their new team member, seeing as she's his ex-fiancée.

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